The following entry is for a Pseudo Person, to show other sorts of interrelationshiips.

Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible

M, #2090000, b. c 1100 BC, d. 1010 BC
Father*Books of the Bible
Mother*History Old Testament
Relationship1st cousin 24 times removed of Robert Michael Damon
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible begins c 1100 BC. He was the son of Books of the Bible and History Old Testament.
> Book of Ruth in the Bible ended.
* King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), son of Kish (1 Sam), was born 1080 BCE.1
Kings of Israel and Judah

Date2ReferenceKing of Israel King of Judah
1050 BC Saul
1Saml 10-31

1010 BC Ish-Bosheth 2Sam 2-4 David (40 Years)3
2 Samuel, 1 Chron 11-
1003 BC David

970 BC Solomon (40 Years)4

930 BC Jeroboam I (22 Years)5
Rehoboam (17 Years)6

913 BC18th of Jeroboam7Abijah (3 Years) 8
910 BC20th of Jeroboam9 Asa (41 Years)10
909 BC2nd of Asa11 Nadab (2 Years)11
908 BC3rd of Asa12 Baasha (24 Years)12

886 BC26th of Asa13 Elah (2 Years)13
885 BC27th of Asa14 Zimri (7 Days)14
885 BC27th of Asa Tibni
Omri (12 Years)15

880 BC31st of Asa16 Omri
874 BC38th of Asa17 Ahab (22 Years)17
872 BC Asa + Jehoshaphat
869 BC4th of Ahab18 Jehoshaphat (25 Years)18
853 BC17th of Jehosophat19 Ahaziah (2 Years)19
852 BC18th of Jehosophat20 Joram (12 Years)20
848 BC5th of Joram21 Jehoram (8 Years)22
841 BC12th of Joram23 Ahaziah (1 Year)24
841 BC Jehu (28 Years)25
841 BC Queen Athaliah (7 Years)26
835 BC7th of Jehu27 Joash (40 Years)28

814 BC23rd of Joash29 Jehoahaz (17 Years)29

798 BC37th of Joash30 Jehoash (16 Years)30
796 BC2nd of Jehoash31 Amaziah (29 Years)32
793 BC Jehoash + Jeroboam II
792 BC Amaziah + Uzziah / Azeriah
782 BC15th of Amaziah33 Jeroboam II (41 Years)33
767 BC27th of Jeroboam34 Uzziah / Azeriah (52 Years)35
753 BC38th of Azariah36 Zechariah (6 Months)36
752 BC39th of Azariah37 Shallum (a Month)37
In Sameria In Gilead
752 BC39th of Azariah38 Menahem (10 Years)38
Pekah (20 Years)39

750 BC 2nd of Pekah40 Uzziah / Azeriah + Jotham
742 BC50th of Azariah39 Pekahiah (2 Years)39
740 BC52nd of Azeriah41 Pekah
740 BC Jotham (16 Years)42
735 BC17th of Pekah43 Ahaz (16 Years)44
732 BC12th of Ahaz45 Hoshea (9 Years)45
722 BC Captivity
715 BC3rd of Hoshea46 Hezekiah (29 Years)47

697 BC Hezekiah + Manasseh
686 BC Manasseh (55 Years)48

642 BC Amon (2 Years)49
640 BC Josiah (31 Years)50

609 BC King Jehoahaz of Judah (3 Months)51
609 BC Jehoiakim (11 Years)52
598 BC Jehoiachin (3 Months)53
597 BC Zedekiah (11 Years)54
586 BC Captivity

Note: Time Axis not to Scale. Some blank lines have been added to even out the scale, but scale is NOT uniform.
Year listed is the date for the beginning time of that row, which continues to the date of the next row.55

* King David of Israel became King of Judah 1010 BCE replacing King Saul by Samuel (1 Samuel).56
* King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel) died 1010 BCE @ age ~72.1,57 Ebenezer (1 Samuel) was the location of a stone of Rememberence between Mizpah (1 Sam) and Shen.58
King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), son of Kish (1 Sam), married Ahinoam (1 Sam 14), daughter of Ahimaaz (1 Sam 14).59
* King Agag of the Amalekites (1 Sam 15) became King of the Amalekites.60
* Goliath (1 Sam 17) died by King David of Israel in the Valley of Elah.61
Adriel of Meholah, son of Barzillai the Meholathite (2 Sam 21) and Meholah, married Merab (1 Samuel 14), daughter of King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel) and Ahinoam (1 Sam 14).62
King David of Israel, son of Jesse (אִישַׁי) and (?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse), married Michal, daughter of King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel) and Ahinoam (1 Sam 14).63
* Ahitub (1 Sam 14) was killed by Doeg the Edomite.64
* Ahimelech (1 Sam 21) was killed by Doeg the Edomite.64
* Samuel (1 Samuel) died.65 Samuel (1 Samuel) was buried in Ramah.65
Nabal, son of Calebite, married Abigail of Carmel (1 Sam 25 - 2 Sam 3).66
* Nabal died survived by Abigail of Carmel (1 Sam 25 - 2 Sam 3).67
King David of Israel, son of Jesse (אִישַׁי) and (?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse), married Abigail of Carmel (1 Sam 25 - 2 Sam 3).68
King David of Israel, son of Jesse (אִישַׁי) and (?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse), married Ahinoam of Jezreel.69
Michal, daughter of King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel) and Ahinoam (1 Sam 14), married Paltiel (1 Sam 25), son of Laish.70
* Jonathan (1 Samuel 14) was killed by the Philistines (Gen 10).71
* Malki-Shua (1 Samuel 14) was killed by the Philistines (Gen 10).71
* Abinadab (1 Sam 31, 1 Chron 8-10) was killed by the Philistines (Gen 10).71
ChartsNavagation Tree of Non-Persons
Navagation list of Non-Persons


1 Samuel 1:1-20 The Birth of Samuel Ramathaim, Zuphites, Ramathaim Zuphim, Ephraim, Israel, Elkanah (1 Samuel), Jeroham (1 Samuel), Elihu (1 Samuel 1), Tohu, Zuph, Tribe of Ephraim, Hannah (1 Samuel), Peninnah (1 Samuel), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Shiloh, Hophni (1 Samuel), Phinehas (1 Samuel), Eli (1 Samuel), Ramah and Samuel (1 Samuel).
1 Samuel 1:21-28 Hannah Dedicates Samuel Elkanah (1 Samuel), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Hannah (1 Samuel), Shiloh and Eli (1 Samuel).
1 Samuel 2:1-11 Hannah’s Prayer Hannah (1 Samuel), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Elkanah (1 Samuel), Ramah and Eli (1 Samuel).
1 Samuel 2:12-26 Eli’s Wicked Sons Eli (1 Samuel), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Shiloh, Samuel (1 Samuel), Elkanah (1 Samuel) and Israel.
1 Samuel 2:27-36 Prophecy Against the House of Eli Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Eli (1 Samuel), Egypt, Pharaoh (Genesis 12), Israelites, Israel, Hophni (1 Samuel) and Phinehas (1 Samuel).
1 Samuel 3:1-21 The Lord Calls Samuel Samuel (1 Samuel), Eli (1 Samuel), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Israel, Dan, Israel, Beersheba (Gen 26) and Shiloh.
1 Samuel 4:1-11 The Philistines Capture the Ark Israelites, the Philistines (Gen 10), Ebenezer (1 Samuel), Aphek, Shiloh, Eli (1 Samuel), Hophni (1 Samuel), Phinehas (1 Samuel) and Egypt.
1 Samuel 4:12-22 Death of Eli Tribe of Benjamin, Shiloh, Eli (1 Samuel), Israelites, (?) (wife of Phinehas) (1 Sam 4:19), Phinehas (1 Samuel) and Ichabod (1 Sam 4:21).
1 Samuel 5:1-12 The Ark in Ashdod and Ekron the Philistines (Gen 10), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Ebenezer (1 Samuel), Ashdod, Dagon, City of Gath, Philistia and Ekron.
1 Samuel 6:1-7:1 The Ark Returned to Israel Lord God Yahwah (Bible), the Philistines (Gen 10), Beth Shemesh, Joshua of Beth Shemesh (1 Sam 6), Ashdod, Gaza, Ashkelon, City of Gath, Philistia, Ekron, Kiriath Jearim, Abinadab (1 Sam 7, 2 Sam 6, 1 Chron 13) and Eleazar (1 Sam 7).
1 Samuel 7:2-17 Samuel Subdues the Philistines at Mizpah Kiriath Jearim, Israel, Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Samuel (1 Samuel), other Gods, Ashtoreth, the Philistines (Gen 10), Israelites, Baals, Mizpah (1 Sam), Shen, Ebenezer (1 Samuel), Ekron, City of Gath, Philistia, the Amorites (Gen 10,15), Bethel, Gilgal and Ramah.
1 Samuel 8:1-22 Israel Asks for a King Samuel (1 Samuel), Israel, Joel (1 Samuel 8), Abijah (1 Samuel 8), Beersheba (Gen 26), Ramah and Lord God Yahwah (Bible).
1 Samuel 9:1-10:8 Samuel Anoints Saul Benjamite, Kish (1 Sam), Abiel (1 Sam 9,14), Zeror (1 Sam 9), Becorath (1 Sam 9), Aphiah (1 Sam 9), King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Ephraim, Israel, Shalisha, Shaalim, Zuph, Rachel, Zelzah on the border of Benjamin (1 Sam 10), Tabor (1 Sam), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Bethel, Gibeah, Benjamin, the Philistines (Gen 10) and Gilgal.
1 Samuel 10:9-27 Saul Made King King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Samuel (1 Samuel), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Gibeah, Benjamin, Kish (1 Sam), Mizpah (1 Sam), Israelites, Egypt, Tribe of Benjamin and Clan (of Matri).
1 Samuel 10:12-15 Saul Confirmed as King Samuel (1 Samuel), King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Israel, Gilgal and Israelites.
1 Samuel 11:1-11 Saul Rescues the City of Jabesh King Nahash the Ammonite, Ammonites, Jabesh Gilead, Gibeah, Benjamin, King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Samuel (1 Samuel), Bezek, Israelites and Tribe of Judah.
1 Samuel 12:1-25 Samuel’s Farewell Speech Samuel (1 Samuel), Israel, Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Moses, Aaron (Exodus-Deut), Egypt, Sisera, Hazor, the Philistines (Gen 10), Moab, Middle East, Baals, Ashtoreth, Jerub-Baal, Barak (Judges 4), Jephthah (Judges) and King Nahash the Ammonite.
1 Samuel 13:1-15 Samuel Rebukes Saul King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Micmash, Bethel, Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), Gibeah, Benjamin, the Philistines (Gen 10), Geba, Gilgal, Beth Aven, Gad, Israel and Gilead.
1 Samuel 13:16-22 Israel Without Weapons King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), Gibeah, Benjamin, the Philistines (Gen 10), Micmash, Ophrah, Shaul, Beth Horon, Zebolim and Israel.
1 Samuel 13:23-14:14 Jonathan Attacks the Philistines the Philistines (Gen 10), Micmash, Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Gibeah, Benjamin, Migron (1 Sam 14), Ahijah (1 Sam 14), Ichabod (1 Sam 4:21), Ahitub (1 Sam 14), Phinehas (1 Samuel), Eli (1 Samuel), Shiloh, Bozez (1 Sam 14), Seneh (1 Sam 14), Geba and Lord God Yahwah (Bible).
1 Samuel 14:15-23 Israel Routs the Philistines Lord God Yahwah (Bible), King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Gibeah, Benjamin, Benjamin, Israel, Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), Ahijah (1 Sam 14), the Philistines (Gen 10), Ephraim, Israel and Beth Aven.
1 Samuel 14:24-48 Jonathan Eats Honey Israel, King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), the Philistines (Gen 10), Micmash, Aijalon, Moab, Middle East, Ammonites, Edom, Zobah and Amalekites.
1 Samuel 14:49-52 Saul’s Family King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), Ishvi (1 Samuel 14), Malki-Shua (1 Samuel 14), Merab (1 Samuel 14), Michal, Ahinoam (1 Sam 14), Ahimaaz (1 Sam 14), Abner (1 Sam, 2 Sam, 1 Kings, 1 Chron), Ner, Kish (1 Sam), Abiel (1 Sam 9,14) and the Philistines (Gen 10).
1 Samuel 15:1-35 The Lord Rejects Saul as King Samuel (1 Samuel), King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Amalekites, Egypt, Telaim, Judah, Amalek, the Kenites (Gen 15), Israelites, Havilah, Shur, King Agag of the Amalekites (1 Sam 15), Carmel, Gilgal, Israel, Ramah and Gibeah, Benjamin.
1 Samuel 16:1-13 Samuel Anoints David Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Samuel (1 Samuel), Israel, Jesse (אִישַׁי), Bethlehem, Eliab, Shammah, King David of Israel and Ramah.
1 Samuel 16:14-23 David in Saul’s Service Holy Spirit (Bible), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Jesse (אִישַׁי), Bethlehem and King David of Israel.
1 Samuel 17:1-58 David and Goliath the Philistines (Gen 10), Socoh, Judah, Judah, Ephes Dammin, Azekah, King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Israelites, Valley of Elah, Goliath (1 Sam 17), City of Gath, Philistia, King David of Israel, Tribe of Ephraim, Jesse (אִישַׁי), Eliab, Abinadab (1 Sam 16-17, 1 Chron 2), Shammah, Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Abner (1 Sam, 2 Sam, 1 Kings, 1 Chron) and Bethlehem.
1 Samuel 18:1-30 Saul’s Jealousy of David King David, King Saul, Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), the Philistines (Gen 10), Holy Spirit (Bible), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Merab (1 Samuel 14), Adriel of Meholah, Meholah and Michal.
1 Samuel 19:1-24 Saul Tries to Kill David King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), King David of Israel, the Philistines (Gen 10), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Israel, Holy Spirit (Bible), Michal, Samuel (1 Samuel), Ramah, Naioth, Ramah and Secu.
1 Samuel 20:1-42 David and Jonathan King David of Israel, Naioth, Ramah, Ramah, Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), Bethlehem, Stone Ezel, Abner (1 Sam, 2 Sam, 1 Kings, 1 Chron) and Jesse (אִישַׁי).
1 Samuel 21:1-9 David at Nob King David of Israel, Nob, Ahimelech (1 Sam 21), King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Doeg the Edomite, Goliath (1 Sam 17), the Philistines (Gen 10) and Valley of Elah.
1 Samuel 21:10-15 David at Gath King David of Israel, King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), King Achish of Gath and City of Gath, Philistia.
1 Samuel 22:1-5 David at Adullam and Mizpah King David of Israel, City of Gath, Philistia, Mizpah in Moab (1 Sam 22), Moab, Middle East, prophet Gad (1 Sam 22), Judah and Forest of Hereth, Judah.
1 Samuel 22:6-23 Saul Kills the Priests of Nob King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), King David of Israel, Gibeah, Benjamin, Benjamin, Israel, Jesse (אִישַׁי), Doeg the Edomite, Ahimelech (1 Sam 21), Ahitub (1 Sam 14), Nob, Goliath (1 Sam 17) and Abiathar (Samuel-Chron).
1 Samuel 23:1-6 David Saves Keilah King David of Israel, the Philistines (Gen 10), City of Keilah Judah, Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Judah, Abiathar (Samuel-Chron) and Ahimelech (1 Sam 21).
1 Samuel 23:7-29 Saul Pursues David King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), King David of Israel, City of Keilah Judah, Abiathar (Samuel-Chron), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Israel, Wilderness of Ziph, Judah, Horesh, Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), Zuphites, Hill of Hakilah, Jeshimon, Desert of Moan, Maon, Arabah, Sela Hammahlekoth and En Gedi.
1 Samuel 24:1-22 David Spares Saul’s Life King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), the Philistines (Gen 10), King David of Israel, En Gedi, Israel, Crags of the Wild Goats near En Gedi (1 Sam 24), Lord God Yahwah (Bible) and King of Israel.
1 Samuel 25:1-44 David, Nabal and Abigail Samuel (1 Samuel), Israel, Ramah, King David of Israel, Maon, Carmel, Nabal, Abigail of Carmel (1 Sam 25 - 2 Sam 3), Calebite, Jesse (אִישַׁי), Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Ahinoam of Jezreel, Michal, Paltiel (1 Sam 25), Laish and Gallim (1 Sam 25).
1 Samuel 26:1-25 David Again Spares Saul’s Life Zuphites, King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Gibeah, Benjamin, King David of Israel, Hill of Hakilah, Jeshimon, Desert of Ziph, Judah, Israel, Abner (1 Sam, 2 Sam, 1 Kings, 1 Chron), Ner, Abishai (אֲבִישַׁי) (1 Sam, 2 Sam, 1 Chron), Zeruiah and Joab.
1 Samuel 27:1-12 David Among the Philistines King David of Israel, King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), the Philistines (Gen 10), Israel, King Achish of Gath, Moach (1 Sam 27), City of Gath, Philistia, Ahinoam of Jezreel, Jezreel, Abigail of Carmel (1 Sam 25 - 2 Sam 3), Carmel, Nabal, Ziklag (1 Sam 27), Geshurites, Girzites, Amalekites, Shur, Egypt, Negev, Judah, Jerahmeel, the Kenites (Gen 15) and Israelites.
1 Samuel 28:1-25 Saul and the Witch of Endor the Philistines (Gen 10), Israel, King Achish of Gath, King David of Israel, Samuel (1 Samuel), Ramah, King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), City of Shunem, Gilboa, Town of Endor and medium (?) of Endor (1 Sam 28).
1 Samuel 29:1-11 Achish Sends David Back to Ziklag the Philistines (Gen 10), Aphek, Israel, Jezreel, King David of Israel, King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel) and Angels (Bible).
1 Samuel 30:1-31 David Destroys the Amalekites King David of Israel, Ziklag (1 Sam 27), Amalekites, Negev, Ahinoam of Jezreel, Jezreel, Abigail of Carmel (1 Sam 25 - 2 Sam 3), Nabal, Carmel, Lord God Yahwah (Bible), Abiathar (Samuel-Chron), Ahimelech (1 Sam 21), Besor Ravine, Egypt, Judah, Bethel, Ramoth Negev, Jattir, Aroer, Siphmoth, Eshtemoa, Racal, Jerahmeelites, the Kenites (Gen 15), Hormah, Bor Ashan, Athach and Hebron.
1 Samuel 31:1-13 Saul Takes His Life the Philistines (Gen 10), Israel, Israelites, Mount Gilboa, King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel), Jonathan (1 Samuel 14), Abinadab (1 Sam 31, 1 Chron 8-10), Malki-Shua (1 Samuel 14), Jordan River, Ashtoreth, Beth Shan and Jabesh Gilead.
Last Edited30 Sep 2023


  1. [S24] Kenneth Barker, editor, The NIV Study Bible, New International Version (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Corporation, 1985), Introduction to 1 Samuel . Hereinafter cited as NIV Study Bible.
  2. [S24] NIV Study Bible, Rulers of Israel and Judah from A Chronology of the Hebrew Kings by Edwin R. Theile.
  3. [S3] International Bible Society, editor, The Holy Bible, New International Version (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984), 1 Kings 2:11. Hereinafter cited as NIV.
  4. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 11:42.
  5. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 14:20.
  6. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 14:21, 2 Chron 12:13.
  7. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:1, 2 Chron 13:1.
  8. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:2.
  9. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:9.
  10. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:10.
  11. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:25.
  12. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:33.
  13. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:8.
  14. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:15.
  15. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:23.
  16. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:23;Perhaps indicates date of becoming sole king.
  17. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:29.
  18. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 22:29.
  19. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 22:51.
  20. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 3:1.
  21. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 8:16.
  22. 2 Kings 8:17, 2 Chronicles 21:5
  23. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings8:25.
  24. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 8:25, 2 Chronicles 22:2.
  25. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 10:36.
  26. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 11:4-16, 2 Chronicles 23:1.
  27. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 12:1.
  28. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 12:1, 2 Chronicles 24:1.
  29. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 13:1.
  30. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 13:10.
  31. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 14:1.
  32. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 14:1, 2 Chronicles 25:1.
  33. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 14:23.
  34. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:1.
  35. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:2.
  36. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:8.
  37. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:13.
  38. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:17.
  39. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:23.
  40. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:32.
  41. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:27.
  42. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:33, 2 Chronicles 27:1.
  43. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 16:1.
  44. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 16:1, 2 Chronicles 28:1.
  45. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 17:1.
  46. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 18:1.
  47. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 18:1, 2 Chronicles 29:1.
  48. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1.
  49. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 21:19, 2 Chronicles 33:21.
  50. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 22:1, 2 Chronicles 34:1.
  51. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 23:31, 2 Chronicles 35:2.
  52. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 23:36, 2 Chronicles 35:5.
  53. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 24:8, 2 Chronicles 36:9.
  54. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 24:18, 2 Chronicles 36:11.
  55. [S24] NIV Study Bible, Pages 502-503.
  56. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Samuel 2:4.
  57. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 31:4.
  58. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 7:12.
  59. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 14:49.
  60. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 15:8.
  61. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 17:48-50.
  62. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 18:19.
  63. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Samuel 18:27.
  64. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 22:18-19.
  65. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 25:1.
  66. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Samuel 25:3.
  67. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 25:37-38.
  68. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Samuel 27:3.
  69. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 25:43.
  70. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 25:44.
  71. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1Sam 31:2.