This entry is for a Biblical Person, based on a historical interpretation of the bible. See biblical.htm for more details.

(?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse)1

F, #2091730
RelationshipDistant relative of Robert Michael Damon
(?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse) married King Nahash the Ammonite, son of Ammonites.1 (?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse) married Jesse (אִישַׁי), son of Obed and Bethlehem, Judah.
(?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse) became the mother of King David of Israel 1040 BCE; listed as seventh son in 1 Chronciles 2:15, but having seven older brothers in 1 Samuel 16:10

Listed as 30 when became king.2 Zeruiah and Abigail are listed as the sisters of the sons of Jesse, not as his daugthers in 1 Chronicles 2:16. 2 Sam 17:25 calls Abigail the daugther of King Nahash the Ammonite. I am thus presuming that somehow they share a common mother: (?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse).3 This woman's relationships are infered from 2 Samuel 17:24 where David's sister Abigail is given Nahash as a father instead of Jesse.1

2 Children of (?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse) and King Nahash the Ammonite, son of Ammonites,


7 Children of (?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse) and Jesse (אִישַׁי), son of Obed and Bethlehem, Judah,

ChartsPedigree of Robert Damon (Big)
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Descendant Chart for God (#2)
Indented Descendant Chart of God (#1)
Indented Descendant Chart of God (#2)
Pedigree of Jesus Christ
Indendented Pedigree of Jesus Christ
Last Edited21 Sep 2024


  1. [S3] International Bible Society, editor, The Holy Bible, New International Version (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984), 2 Sam 17:25. Hereinafter cited as NIV.
  2. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sameul 5:4.
  3. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Chronicles 2:16, 2 Samuel 17:25.