The following entry is for a Pseudo Person, to show other sorts of interrelationshiips.

Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-16911

?, #903008
Relationship1st cousin 24 times removed of Robert Michael Damon
Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691 was the child of References.1


John Adams is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691, (also mentioned are Ellen Newton, James Adams, Frances Vassall, William Vassall, John Adams, Susan Adams, Jane James, Elizabeth (?) and Kenelm Winslow.)1
     Hon. John Alden is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691.1
     Pilgrim Bartholomew Allerton is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691.1
     Pilgrim Issac Allerton is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691, (also mentioned are Fear Brewster, Pilgrim Mary Noris and Joanna Swinnerton.)1
     Pilgrim John Allerton is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691.1
     Pilgrim Mary Allerton is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691.1
     Pilgrim Remember Allerton is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691.1
     Sarah Allerton is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691.1
     Anthony Annable is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691, (also mentioned are Jane Momford, Ann Clarke, (daughter) Annable, Samuel Annable, Ezekiel Annable, Desire Annable, Sarah Annable, Hannah Annable and Deborah Annable.)1
     Edward Bangs is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691, (also mentioned are John Bangs, Jane Chavis, Rebecca Hobart?, John Bangs, Hannah Smalley, Rebecca Bangs, Sarah Bangs, Thomas Howes Jr, Jonathan Bangs, Mary Mayo, Sarah (?), Ruth Cole, (?) Young, Lydia Bangs, Benjamin Higgins, Nicholas Snow, Hannah Bangs, John Doane, Joshua Bangs, Hannah Scudder, Bethia Bangs, Rev. Gershom Hall, Mercy Bangs, Stephen Merrick, William Merrick, Apphia Bangs, John Knowles, Stephen Atwood and Edward Bangs.)1
     Pilgrim Elizabeth Barker is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691.1
     Robert Barker is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691.1
     William Vassall is described in Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691.1
ChartsNavagation Tree of Non-Persons
Navagation list of Non-Persons
Last Edited13 Oct 2004


  1. [S173] Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony, Its History & People (via WFT 1, Tree 4114) (Salt Lake City, UT: Ancestry Publishing, 1986) . Hereinafter cited as Plymouth Colony.