This entry is for a Biblical Person, based on a historical interpretation of the bible. See biblical.htm for more details.

King Belshazzar of Babylon (Daniel)1

M, #2270501
Israel Under Foreign Rule

Assyrian Empire 722 BC

* Tiglath-Pileser III
* King Shalmaneser V of Assyria (2 Kings 17-18) (727 BC - 722 BC)
Captures Samaria in 722 BC
* King Sargon of Assyria (Isa 20) (722 BC - 705 BC)
* King Sennacherib of Assyria (2 Kings) (705 BC - 681 BC)
Move Capital to Nineveh

* King Nabopolassar of Babylon (626 BC - 605 BC)
Overthrows Assyrians
* King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (605 BC - 562 BC)
605 BC: Defeats Egyptian Control, Starts Deportations
597 BC: More Deportations
586 BC: Destruction of Jerusalem, Final Deportation
* Amel-Marduk
* Nebonidus
* King Belshazzar of Babylon (Daniel)

Persia, Middle East
* Darius the Mede (Danial)
* King Cyrus II "the Great" of Persia
* King Darius I (?) (522 BC - 486 BC)
* King Xerxes I (of Persia) (486 BC - 465 BC)
* Artazexex I (465 BC - 424 BC)

Greece, Europe Empore
* Alexander the Great (336-323)
336 BC: Rises to Power
332 BC: Captures Palinstine
323 BC: Empire Divides on Death

Egyptian (Ptolemaic) (320 BC - 200 BC)

Syrian (Seleucid)
200 BC: Artichus III Defeats Egyptians
175 BC: Antichus IV Epiphanes

166 BC: Judas Maccabaeus Revolts
160 BC: Jonathan

142 BC: Become Semi-independent of Syrian control

Roman Control
63 BC.
King Belshazzar of Babylon (Daniel) became King of Babylon Perhaps just serving as "King" while Nabonidus was away.1
King Belshazzar of Babylon (Daniel) was replaced as King of Babylon by Darius the Mede (Danial) c 539 BCE.2
Last Edited29 Jul 2023


  1. [S3] International Bible Society, editor, The Holy Bible, New International Version (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984), Daniel 5:1. Hereinafter cited as NIV.
  2. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, Daniel 5:31.