The following entry is for a Place Pseudo Person, to show other sorts of interrelationshiips.

Israel, Middle East

F, #2009998
Father-Other*Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) b. 2239 AC / 2006 BCE, d. 2549 AC / 1826 BCE
Mother*Middle East
RelationshipDistant relative of Robert Michael Damon

Names and Titles

Variation: Israel.


Tribes of Israel
United Kingdom of Israel c 1020 BC
Map of about 830 BC
Judea in the First Centery
Israel, Middle East was the daughter of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Middle East.
Israel Under Foreign Rule

Assyrian Empire 722 BC

* Tiglath-Pileser III
* King Shalmaneser V of Assyria (2 Kings 17-18) (727 BC - 722 BC)
Captures Samaria in 722 BC
* King Sargon of Assyria (Isa 20) (722 BC - 705 BC)
* King Sennacherib of Assyria (2 Kings) (705 BC - 681 BC)
Move Capital to Nineveh

* King Nabopolassar of Babylon (626 BC - 605 BC)
Overthrows Assyrians
* King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (605 BC - 562 BC)
605 BC: Defeats Egyptian Control, Starts Deportations
597 BC: More Deportations
586 BC: Destruction of Jerusalem, Final Deportation
* Amel-Marduk
* Nebonidus
* King Belshazzar of Babylon

Persia, Middle East
* Darius the Mede (Danial)
* King Cyrus II "the Great" of Persia
* King Darius I (?) (522 BC - 486 BC)
* King Xerxes I (of Persia) (486 BC - 465 BC)
* Artazexex I (465 BC - 424 BC)

Greece, Europe Empore
* Alexander the Great (336-323)
336 BC: Rises to Power
332 BC: Captures Palinstine
323 BC: Empire Divides on Death

Egyptian (Ptolemaic) (320 BC - 200 BC)

Syrian (Seleucid)
200 BC: Artichus III Defeats Egyptians
175 BC: Antichus IV Epiphanes

166 BC: Judas Maccabaeus Revolts
160 BC: Jonathan

142 BC: Become Semi-independent of Syrian control

Roman Control
63 BC.

Child of Israel, Middle East and Benjamin, son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Rachel,


Child of Israel, Middle East and Reuben (Gen 29-49), son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Leah (Gen 25-35),


Child of Israel, Middle East and Issachar, son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Leah (Gen 25-35),


Child of Israel, Middle East and Zebulun (Gen), son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Leah (Gen 25-35),


Child of Israel, Middle East and Judge, son of Title,


Child of Israel, Middle East and Priest, son of Title,


Child of Israel, Middle East and Levi (Genesis), son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Leah (Gen 25-35),


Child of Israel, Middle East and Gad, son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Zilpah (Gen 29-30),


Child of Israel, Middle East and Manasseh (Gen 41-50), son of Joseph (Gen 30-50) and Asenath,


Child of Israel, Middle East and King, son of Title,


Child of Israel, Middle East and Ephraim, son of Joseph (Gen 30-50) and Asenath,


Child of Israel, Middle East and Dan (Gen 30-49), son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Bilhah,


Child of Israel, Middle East and Naphtali (Gen 30-49), son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Bilhah,


Child of Israel, Middle East and Simeon (Gen 29-49), son of Jacob (יַעֲקֹב) (Gen 25-50) and Leah (Gen 25-35),

ChartsPedigree of Robert Damon (Big)
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Navagation Tree of Places
Navagation list of Places
Descendant Chart for God (#1)
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Indented Descendant Chart of God (#1)
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Indented Descendant Chart of God (#12)
Indented Descendant Chart of God (#13)
Pedigree of Jesus Christ
Indendented Pedigree of Jesus Christ

Scriptures (References)

Book VerseTitle
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 2:12-26Eli’s Wicked Sons.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 2:27-36Prophecy Against the House of Eli.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 3:1-21The Lord Calls Samuel.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 7:2-17Samuel Subdues the Philistines at Mizpah.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 8:1-22Israel Asks for a King.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 10:12-15Saul Confirmed as King.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 12:1-25Samuel’s Farewell Speech.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 13:16-22Israel Without Weapons.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 14:24-48Jonathan Eats Honey.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 15:1-35The Lord Rejects Saul as King.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 16:1-13Samuel Anoints David.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 19:1-24Saul Tries to Kill David.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 23:7-29Saul Pursues David.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 24:1-22David Spares Saul’s Life.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 25:1-44David, Nabal and Abigail.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 26:1-25David Again Spares Saul’s Life.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 27:1-12David Among the Philistines.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 28:1-25Saul and the Witch of Endor.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 29:1-11Achish Sends David Back to Ziklag.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 31:1-13Saul Takes His Life.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 1:17-27David’s Lament for Saul and Jonathan.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 2:8-3:5War Between the Houses of David and Saul.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 3:6-21Abner Goes Over to David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 4:1-12Ish-Bosheth Murdered.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 5:1-5David Becomes King Over Israel.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 5:6-16David Conquers Jerusalem.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 5:17-25David Defeats the Philistines.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 6:1-23The Ark Brought to Jerusalem.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 7:1-17God’s Promise to David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 7:18-29David’s Prayer.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 8:15-18David’s Officials.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 11:1-27David and Bathsheba.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 12:1-31Nathan Rebukes David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 14:1-33Absalom Returns to Jerusalem.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Sameul 15:1-12Absalom’s Conspiracy.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 15:13-37David Flees.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 16:1-4David and Ziba.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 16:15-17:29The Advice of Hushai and Ahithophel.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 18:1-18Absalom’s Death.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 19:8-43David Returns to Jerusalem.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 20:1-26Sheba Rebels Against David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 21:1-14The Gibeonites Avenged.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 21:15-22Wars Against the Philistines.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 23:1-7The Last Words of David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 23:8-39David’s Mighty Men.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 24:1-17David Counts the Fighting Men.
Book of Ezra in the BibleEzra 2:1-70The List of the Exiles Who Returned (TODO.)
Psalm 122Psalm 122:1-9Psalm 122.
Psalm 124Psalm 124:1-8Psalm 124.
Psalm 125Psalm 125:1-5Psalm 125.
Psalm 128Psalm 128:1-6Psalm 128.
Psalm 129Psalm 129:1-8Psalm 129.
Psalm 130Psalm 130:1-8Psalm 130.
Psalm 131Psalm 131:1-3Psalm 131.
Psalm 135Psalm 135:1-21Psalm 135.
Psalm 136Psalm 136:1-26Psalm 136.
Psalm 149Psalm 149:1-9Psalm 149.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 1:2-31A Rebellious Nation.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 4:2-6The Branch of the Lord.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 5:8-30Woes and Judgments.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 7:1-25The Sign of Immanuel.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 8:11-22Fear God.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 9:8-10:4The Lord’s Anger Against Israel.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 10:5-19God’s Judgment on Assyria.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 10:20-34The Remnant of Israel.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 11:1-16The Branch From Jesse.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 12:1-6Songs of Praise.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 13:1-14:23A Prophecy Against Babylon.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 17:1-14An Oracle Against Damascus.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 19:1-25A Prophecy About Egypt.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 21:1-10A Prophecy Against Babylon.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 27:1-13Deliverance of Israel.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 29:1-24Woe to David’s City.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 31:1-9Woe to Those Who Rely on Egypt.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 37:14-20Hezekiah’s Prayer.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 37:21-38Sennacherib’s Fall.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 40:1-31Comfort for God’s People.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 41:1-29The Helper of Israel.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 42:18-25Israel Blind and Deaf.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 43:1-13Israel’s Only Savior.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 43:14-28God’s Mercy and Israel’s Unfaithfulness.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 44:1-5Israel the Chosen.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 44:6-23The Lord, Not Idols.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 44:24-45:25Jerusalem to Be Inhabited.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 46:1-13Gods of Babylon.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 48:1-11Stubborn Israel.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 48:12-22Israel Freed.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 49:1-7The Servant of the Lord.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 54:1-17The Future Glory of Zion.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 55:1-13Invitation to the Thirsty.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 56:9-57:13God’s Accusation Against the Wicked.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 60:1-22The Glory of Zion.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 63:7-64:13Praise and Prayer.
Book of Luke in the BibleLuke 1:67-80Zechariah's Song.
Book of Luke in the BibleLuke 2:21-40Jesus Presented at the Temple.
Book of Luke in the BibleLuke 4:14-30Jesus Rejected at Nazareth.
Last Edited22 Sep 2023


  1. [S308] Sean Boisen, Author, The Composit Gospel (Bellingham, WA: Faithliife, 2019).