The following entry is for a Pseudo Person, to show other sorts of interrelationshiips.

Book of Daniel in the Bible

M, #2270000, b. 605 BCE
Father*Books of the Bible
Mother*Major Prophets
Relationship1st cousin 24 times removed of Robert Michael Damon
Book of Daniel in the Bible begins with the carrying off of King Jehoiakim of Judah into Babylon in 605 BCE. Book of Daniel in the Bible was the son of Books of the Bible and Major Prophets.


Lord God Yahwah (Bible) is mentioned in Daniel.
ChartsNavagation Tree of Non-Persons
Navagation list of Non-Persons


Daniel 1:1-21 Daniel's Training in Babylon TODO, King Jehoiakim of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Jerusalem, The LORD (Lord), Babylonia, Ashpenaz (Daniel), Israelites, Judah, Daniel (Daniel), Hananiah (Daniel), Mishael (Daniel), Azariah (Daniel) and King Cyrus II "the Great" of Persia.1
Daniel 2:1-23 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream TODO.2
Daniel 2:24-49 Daniel Interprets the Dream TODO.3

Scriptures (References)

Book VerseTitle
Book of Matthew in the BibleMatthew 24:1-35Signs of the End of the Age Reference: Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12;11, Isaiah 13:10, 34:4.
Last Edited30 Sep 2023


  1. [S3] International Bible Society, editor, The Holy Bible, New International Version (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984), Daniel 1:1-21. Hereinafter cited as NIV.
  2. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, Daniel 2:1-24.
  3. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, Daniel 2:24-49.